Packaging for crisps, soups, cereal


Proper allowance must be made for the low moisture and high fat content of snacks and their vulnerability to foreign odours in order to select the most suitable packaging material. Fats are easily affected by atmospheric oxygen, leading to acidification of the product. The intended packaging materials should have high barrier performance and that is why laminated structures of two or more layers are generally applied.


  • Sustainable solution
  • Shelf attractiveness
  • Flow-pack keep the air inside
  • Easy open
  • Optimum barrier properties management
  • Maximum speed filling


  • Snacks
  • Pop corn
  • Cips
  • Carckers
  • Cereals
1 0 0 % r e c y c l a b l e 1 0 0 % r e c y c l a b l e l


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